“The SBDC taught us how to plan and save the money needed for future equipment purchases and financial situations.” - Beto Arteaga
In 2014, Beto Arteaga gave up his job at an electric motor shop, where he had worked as a teenager. The idea was to start his own business; so he approached his Father. His Father, Norberto, was not excited about the idea due to his growing real estate business, but Beto was persistent. Together they started to research the possibility with the help of the SBDC. They found an electric motor repair shop that was for sale, and they bought all the equipment and tools necessary to start the business. They then found a building to rent and A C Electric Motor Service was established.
Norberto came to the SBDC because their family knew SBDC Regional Director, Bryan Matsuoka. Matsuoka helped the Arteagas with their business plan and educated them about financing.
After following their consultant’s advice, they purchased the building they were renting and they accomplished their two year goal in six months. Norberto and Beto’s advice to other business owners,
“Go for it and work hard. Don’t give up and utilize the free services that are offered at the SBDC.”